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Welcome to
Carter Acres
Quarter Horses
Performance Horses
with a
Solid Foundation

Jordan and CA Gwinner

Hope and Nicki Mesa and Stella

Cactus and his little friend

Jordan and CA Gwinner
2024 Recent Highlights!
Wow. What a busy year! But SO fun! Here are just a few of the fun moments in pictures. 98 years young, Myron bought our high selling stud colt in 2015. Grandson, Joel and his wife Amy are enjoying him now (CA Kash). What a wonderful visit we had with them! CA Thea is too valuable at the Campbell operation to become a broodmare; you can see her getting the job done at the branding fire. Hope on Mesa and Nicki on Stella are fabulous friends that I occasionally get to trail ride with and once in awhile we can count on them to do our chores; precious friends indeed! Jordan and CA Gwinner are going to be super fun to watch on their futurity journey; I will have to work to keep up! Kelly and CA Acadia (aka Phoenix) are sweeping up in Ranch Horse Versatility Trail (among other fun things); Swagger joined Carter Acres stallion battery in November (it's a ways off, but still!) And then there are just girls loving horses. All sizes and all ages (Amy and Kash; Lilly and CA Cayuga; Michelle and Little Red (aka CA Rusty) Aaaahhhhhhh, makes our hearts happy!! This is our WHY. What's yours??
We continue to be encouraged by the depth of versatility we're seeing in our horses. The disciplines include ranch versatility performers, youth projects being shown in local shows and rodeos, ranching prospects, elite gelding sales, reputable breeding programs, to name a few. Our goal to raise conformationally correct, athletic, kind, trainable horses that can excel in multiple disciplines seems to be coming to fruition and it's very gratifying. The photos below are from August and September 2023. The young kids are with CA Jasper and CA Gentry in their new homes in South Dakota, just days after weaning--breeding for disposition matters. The other is of a young mother of 3, an accomplished trainer, upping her own skills by taking on a futurity. She and CA Piper learned a lot and came home with a 6th place finish in the 2 year old Ideal Ranch Horse class at the Ranch Horse Extravaganza in Mason City Iowa over Labor Day weekend! Breeding for athleticism matters too. You don't have to give up one for the other! Thank you to all who helped make our 65th annual sale a great one! We appreciate your belief in our program and if you're new to us, we'd appreciate your checking us out!
Doll kids, SD w/CA Jasper & CA Gentry
Danielle H & CA Piper, MN

Jill Arvik and
CA Amiah Chex
687 Points in 10 Events
PHBA Superior in Ranch Trail
Register of Merits include:
Amateur Ranch Trail
Amateur Ranch Reining
Amateur Select Ranch Rail Pleasure
Amateur Ranch Riding
Amateur Select Ranch Riding
Amateur Ranch Conformation
Open Ranch Conformation

Charlie Arvik and
CA Amiah QT
Just getting their feet wet in the show pen. Don't they look great!!

Who We Are
Set in the picturesque rolling hills of west central Minnesota, we have been breeding, raising and training Registered Quarter Horses for over twenty years. We are so fortunate to have a valuable heritage in that we are affiliated with the Lazy JS Ranch in Bowman, North Dakota. Nada’s father, Russ Silha, started raising Quarter Horses many years ago. In fact, the ranch hosted its 65th annual production sale on August 17, 2024, making us one of the longest running Quarter Horse production sales in the country. We do our best to follow in the family footsteps and raise horses that are structurally correct, athletic enough to go to the arena or the ranch and have trainable dispositions that most people can get along with. And, if you’ve noticed that our brand resembles the Jesus fish symbol, that’s on purpose as we strive to follow His teachings, keeping the Golden Rule at the top of our list.
If you are already a satisfied customer and have some photos you’d like to share, we’d love to showcase some of our horses in action! Please email any photos/comments to Enjoy the site and please feel free to contact us with any comments or questions. Our door is always open if you are in the area. We’d love to have you stop by!

Carter Acres Quarter Horses
Dale or Nada Carter and family
26708 County Road 10
Starbuck, MN 56381
320.424.2959 or 320.424.2957

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